Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Also online, also free

Is Silvanus P. Thompson's hundred year old calculus textbook, Calculus Made Easy. One of the few, if not the only math textbook that is actually a pleasure to read. It was a supplementary reading in one of the game theory classes I've taken in grad school. In New York, you're exempt from sales tax when purchasing textbooks, as long as you show a valid student ID and a syllabus that has the book you want to buy on it. Whenever I'd buy textbooks, bookstore cashiers would always ask for a student ID but were never very much interested in seeing a syllabus. And for good reason, I suppose; you'd have to be at least slightly insane to be buying, say, "Econometric Analysis" unless you needed it for school. The only time I was asked for a syllabus was while buying "Calculus Made Easy" (it wasn't online yet). "You see this one," the cashier smiled "Some people actually read for fun."

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