Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I knew it all along

Andrew Sullivan's blog pointed me to a magazine article about women marrying the wrong guys, where we can read the following:
According to recent research conducted by Jennifer Gauvain, a therapist in
Denver, 30 percent of now-divorced women say they knew in their gut they were
making a mistake as they walked down the isle--and kept walking anyway. Only a
handful backed out. The obvious question: If you know you're marrying the wrong
guy, why do it?
Actually, I think this raises at least two questions much more obvious than that. First, has Jennifer Gauvain, a therapist in Denver, ever heard of hindsight bias? Second, when she was conducting her study, did she already know in her gut that her research design is completely useless?

1 comment:

  1. That's pretty funny. You should go ask her--I'm sure she'll protect her precious insight.
