Thursday, August 5, 2010

An imperfect argument

What would political debate (or, for that matter, any debate) look like if its participants truly internalized the fact that arguing to the effect of "You are accruing personal gains from publicizing your arguments, therefore your arguments are wrong," is a fallacy?


  1. what would publicizing in this sense mean.. would you provide an example?

  2. i have no idea what it would look like--although it would be easier to argue that one's opponent is arguing from their own position (and to aid it)than to come up with original critiques. Certainly a lot of arguments would be off the table, depending on how seriously you'd take the precept...or how perversely you might twist it!

  3. I thought of it as easier because many links could be made that are related to someone's economic position, say, or even the perception of what someone's economic position might be--in short, that someone's position could be pretty wide in scope.

  4. Oh, I saw what you said exactly backward.
