Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Here's my plan people

This is Newt Gingrich's answer to the question of what type of measures he would adopt after repealing President Obama's healthcare plan:
One, you go back to a doctor-patient relationship and you involve the family in those periods where the patient by themselves can't make key decisions. But you relocalize it. Two, as several people said, including Gov. (Rick) Perry, you put Medicaid back at the state level. Three, you focus very intensely on a brand-new program on brain science, because the fact is the largest single out-year set of costs we are faced with are Alzheimer's, autism, Parkinson's, mental health and things which come directly from the brain. And I am for fixing our health rather than fixing our health bureaucracy, because the iron lung is the perfect model of saving people so you don't need to pay for a federal program of iron lung centers because the polio vaccine eliminated the problem.
There you have it, folks. A concise, coherent and well thought-out plan. If you live on Planet Gibberish, that is. I know you'll wonder where I've been for the past two decades but... is this guy for real?

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