Look, Jesus is not God, just one of His prophets. And a minor one at that.Would that be a good slogan, from the point of view of advancing the cause of ending anti-Muslim discrimination? I think it definitely would not be, and I also think the I-495 atheism slogan is basically just like that. The reason it's a bad slogan is not that it's offensive to religious people; I don't care about hurting their feelings. The reason it's a bad slogan is because it's trying to argue the veracity of religious claims. That's not a bad thing in itself; religions are, after all, false, and there's no harm in trying to argue that point--so long as it's done in forums that are explicitly dedicated to debating the truth-values of metaphysical claims. A public campaign against anti-atheist bigotry, however, just isn't about whether or not religions are true. It's about extending the existing norms governing day-to-day interactions in a society inhabited by people of different religious beliefs on atheists as well.
People of different religions, at least in the US, have succeeded in agreeing on such rudimentary norms. The gist of this agreement is: Inasmuch as it's possible, we live by the moral code provided by our religion, and if there's a conflict between different religious codes that needs to be resolved in order for society to function, we will try to work out a solution that does not make any assumptions as to which of the conflicted religions is fundamentally right. In a way, it's an agreement to disagree; but note that it's not an agreement to never talk about the disagreements. It's not a "don't ask don't tell" policy. If someone wants to proselytize, they can. But the agreement is that they can only do so on their own behalf, as private persons. In public sphere, trying to convert someone is seen as, at the very least, bad form, and this social norm is a great achievement. Us atheists should conform to it as well.
This doesn't mean I think billboards are a bad idea. For example, NYC Atheists (which is a New York City chapter of American Atheists) has just launched a bus ad campaign featuring the following slogan:
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